The adventures of Peter Rabbit and his friends have been delighting generations of children around the world for over 120 years. In this unique craft book, Beatrix Potter’s iconic illustrations...
Japanese Knitting Stitches from Tokyo's Kazekobo StudioA Dictionary of 200 Stitch Patterns by Yoko Hatta This Japanese stitch dictionary is from popular designer Yoko Hatta--the founder and driving force behind...
Keiko Okamoto's Japanese Knitting Stitches presents 150 exquisite knitting and crochet stitches from one of Japan's most prolific and innovative designers. Her designs range from classic to ethnic to quirky...
A very useful manual for mastering the making of knitted garments using a knitting machine. In the world of textiles, knitted fabric is one of the most complicated to work...
Throughout the year Finnish babies have their naps outside. It is believed that the crisp outside air helps babies sleep better and they become accustomed to the cool Nordic climate. Throughout...
During the weekends, we Finns like to leave the city behind and head to the countryside. Here we can feel a sense of peace and serenity. After a long day...
Retreating to the countryside is more than a holiday, it is part of the Finnish lifestyle to enjoy the silence alone or with family and friends. Pick berries or mushrooms,...
Inspiration at your fingertips! Within the pages of The New Knitting Stitch Dictionary you will find not only 500 innovative knitting stitch patterns, but dozens of ideas popping through your...
Het boek Baby Classic DK staan maar liefst 24 ontwerpen voor baby truitjes, vestjes, mutjes etc voor 0 tot 24 maanden. Met gebreide en gehaakte patronen. Alle patroenen zijn met...
In het boek Baby Merino 01 staan maar liefst 25 ontwerpen voor baby truitjes, vestjes, mutjes etc voor 0 tot 3 jaar. Er zijn truien en jasjes, broeken, leggings en...
Everyone can pick up a pair of needles and a ball of yarn. And everyone can be mindful. The Mindfulness in Knitting casts fresh light on this famously calming craft,...
In the first book to be published under KDD's new Make // Mark imprint, British-Italian designer, Claudia Fiocchetti presents a collection of bold and appealing accessory designs. From the 17...